Setting up home-manager with nix-direnv
We’ve set up nix and home-manager with flake from our the previous post. In this post, we are going to further customize our dotfiles, and then integrate nix-direnv using home-manager so that we can start having reproducible dev environment per directory.
For those of you that are impatient, a full snippets can be found at
Before getting started
Before getting started, let’s add a convenient shell script so that we can interact with our dotfiles bare repo easier.
Add following script at: ~/.config/bin/dit
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# ------------------------------------------------
# dit - short hand for git for dotfiles
# ------------------------------------------------
# As we control dotfiles as git's bare repo,
# it is cumbersome to type out whole work-tree
# git command to interact with our dotfiles folder
# dit command gives us easy access to control out dotilfes
# without deviating too much from our `git` command flow
git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles.git --work-tree=$CONFIG_DIR "$@"
direnv and nix-direnv
let me control directory level dev environment setup with .envrc
But I would like to use this with nix’s flake. Luckily there is a community project
laready exists with nix and direnv integration, nix-direnv.
With home-manager, it is really simple to integrate nix-direnv with my current system.
@@ -5,5 +5,7 @@ in
home.username =;
home.homeDirectory = user.homeDir;
home.stateVersion = "22.11";
+ programs.direnv.enable = true;
After the file is updated, now we need to run our hms
(home-manager switch) command.
We can verify our installation by running direnv
from the terminal.
direnv --version
Now that, we have dirnev installed, it is time for us to test out our direnv setup.
I would like to set up a nodejs project using express NodeJs version with 18.x LTS.
- Create a project directory
- Add flake.nix
- Update flake.nix to pull nodejs 18.x
- Add .envrc
- Execute
direnv allow
mkdir -p nodejs-18-example
cd nodejs-18-example
Then, we are going to add following flake.nix at the root of nodejs-18-example
description = "nodejs-18-example-flake";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.11";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }:
utils = flake-utils;
utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
formatter = pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt;
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
Before we proceed further, flake.nix file must be commited into git.
git add flake.nix
git commit -am "Add flake.nix"
Once flake.nix file is committed, we are going to add .envrc
file with the following content:
use flake
Once both files are successfully added, we are going to see following error messages:
direnv: error /home/rexk/rexk-workspace/home-manager-direnv-example/nodejs-18-express/.envrc is blocked. Run `direnv allow` to approve its content
Run direnv allow
so that direnv can do its job.
Now, nix and direnv will do its magic, and download nodejs for us.
node --version
As long as flake.lock file and flake.nix file does not change, nodejs-18-express will alawys use same nodejs versions no matter who enter this project. Neat